Inner Demons

Sometimes I fly into a rage and I'm not really sure why. I have a lot of good things going for me, but I also have my issues. There are times when I can only focus on the negative and I make myself crazy. I start obsessing about things that I can't control and almost convince myself that everyone has it better than me. Or that people are purposely excluding me. I don't know why I get these thoughts, I try to avoid them, but sometimes they just come through and it's all I can think about.


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Listen Lady

Aug 20, 2018 at 9:01am

you'd be smart to utilize the counselling available at your school/employer. :)

If it makes you feel any better

Aug 20, 2018 at 10:52am

I am the exact same way.

17 9Rating: +8

Look into counselling

Aug 20, 2018 at 10:59am

and talk to your doctor about meds.
It sounds like you're suffering from anxiety/depression/OCD or a combination of the three.
nothing to be ashamed of, meds helped me out a great deal.
Get help!

14 5Rating: +9

@Listen Lady

Aug 20, 2018 at 11:12am

I'm not the OP, but your comments put me in a rage.

22 9Rating: +13

@Listen Lady

Aug 20, 2018 at 1:50pm

Why do you assume it's a woman? I thought it was a guy.

18 9Rating: +9

The danger of the good child

Aug 20, 2018 at 3:58pm

Hard to say. But this is a pretty crazy time to have those kinds of social sensitivities. You would really not be crazy whatsoever to fly in a rage at some point being bombarded by the fomo/picture perfect life most people are spinning on the internet for starters. God forbid, in real life. Sometimes, it can feel like People magazine or The Inquirer has become the norm for a lot of ...people. Which is why I've favored disconnecting from social media in the past. There is no right way to live except what you choose for yourself, and what you draw on for inspiration. Some people, a lot of people, may try to make you feel like their life is all that, or like they are in an elite club you can't join, but what they are actually asking for is to be reassured that their life is good in your eyes. It's like err... misunderstood zombies. Or, you know, sometimes people are just being shitty, and you'd be right to be mad and let it out.


Aug 20, 2018 at 4:15pm

They didnt assume, listen lady is their name . YOU assumed

6 13Rating: -7

The OP

Aug 20, 2018 at 11:41pm

I'm a guy. And my work doesn't provide counseling, not all of us work in the standard 9-5 office with everything you need.

15 8Rating: +7


Aug 21, 2018 at 7:33am

Listen lady is your user name? Even worse.

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