Lashing Out

I'm sorry. I express my desires, receive indifference, lash out, start to bandage my wounded pride, express my desires, receive indifference and lash out, over and over. I'm so practiced at this cycle now I can fit it all into a single breath sometimes. You aren't ugly, stupid, crazy or a slut.


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Sep 20, 2018 at 5:44pm

So you’re at least aware of the pattern. As good ‘ole Dr. Phil says, how’s that working out for you? Point being that if it’s not working with that person then it’s time to either move on and acknowledge that they’re not for you, or change your behaviour. Choices.

16 9Rating: +7


Sep 20, 2018 at 6:46pm

I'm sure he will forgive you


Sep 20, 2018 at 7:00pm

Here is some more indifference. How long is it going to take until I see some more lashing out? But seriously, if this is about posts you see here, how would you know that they're here posting, and how would they know that you're here posting? Why can't you go speak to them directly? Did they tell you never to speak to you again? Did they call the cops on you, and have you threatened with a restraining order? Are they married now? If they haven't done any of these things, you should be free to go talk to them, and either works shit out, or find closure.

Not worth the effort.

Sep 20, 2018 at 7:21pm

It took myself quite awhile to learn to look at people more objectively, and not give my heart back to someone so unconditionally. I have to remind myself sometimes of what they're really like, and that there was a reason that I walked away in the first place. Best not to get too sentimental over someone that never gave enough of a shit about you to work any of that shit out with you. They're not worth any effort, and no amount of effort would ever change a heart made of ego anyway.

22 7Rating: +15

What good is your pride

Sep 20, 2018 at 8:22pm

When you're a bag of shit?

@not worth

Sep 21, 2018 at 7:31pm

I so agree with you. It has taken me eons to comprehend that there comes a time where giving up is the only intelligent option. After spending years and years trying futilely to get this person to engage in genuine, mature conversation to come to some meeting in the middle, I finally gave up and walked away. The hardest thing I’ve ever done, because I’m not a quitter and I loved him so much. But a person can only take so much indifference before they just have to accept that what they want and need is never going to happen with that person.

21 8Rating: +13

For Real

Sep 22, 2018 at 11:46pm

Yes, you/they they are an ugly, crazy, stupid Slut!

8 18Rating: -10

@@not worth

Sep 23, 2018 at 12:53am

It took me a long time to learn that too. I also spent years and years wasting my life doing the same. Could have spent all that time making a life with someone that would have thought of me as a priority rather than just another option. Someone that would have truly loved me. I spent a long time wasting so much effort over someone that never really gave a shit about me, and that just didn't want me giving a shit about anyone else but them for the rest of my life.
I'm 40 now, and I know the life I want. Having children is part of that life. Even if she did come along with some genuine, mature conversation and a half ass attempt at reconciliation ... I'm pretty sure she no longer has the capability of helping me out in the baby making department. I gave up enough of what my life could have been, thanks to her and by what someone else here described as emotional hostage taking. I'm not going to give up my final hopes of starting my own family for her ego too. Fuck that shit! No way! It's been too long, and she'll never be good enough to start any real life with now.

20 7Rating: +13

@@@not worth

Sep 23, 2018 at 8:01pm

At 40 you’re still so young and you really do have your life ahead of you. I applaud you for making such a wise decision, as painful as it sounds like it was. I’m much older than you and wasted a couple of decades on someone who held out the carrot of a future together, but every time I was sure we were close, he just moved the carrot. I hope you’ve learned enough from this experience that you don’t waste any more time on someone like that.

16 7Rating: +9

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