Advice for Men

I am a married man and my advice to young men after seeing divorce for most of my friends is as following: 1) When selecting a woman make sure she has a job, education, and strong work ethic. 2) Looks are not the most important thing. Go for a 7 with a good personality over the 9 who has no personality. 3) Make sure the woman knows how to cook. 4) Watch what she puts in her body. A woman in her 20's can eat like a pig and still look good but when she hits her 30's and 40's there is a very good chance she will be obese. 5) If a woman has only male friends. That's a giant red flag. 6) If a woman tells you she is crazy she probably is. 7) If a woman tells you she has cheated on a partner in the past avoid her. Chances are she will do it again. 10) Make sure she knows how to save money and not spend money frivolously. 11) Make sure she doesn't do drugs or drink excessively. I think if more men listened to my advice they wouldn't be divorced and living in their car eating cans of beans for dinner every night.


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Nov 18, 2018 at 8:30am

Point 5 that it's a red flag if she only has male friends; I'm not sure I agree.

Sure it's unusual for a woman to mostly befriend men. However, some women just don't get along as easily with other women. Sometimes men can be easier to deal with and less likely to spin up into cat fights, sometimes.

I don't know if there's a point anymore

Nov 18, 2018 at 9:06am

A Chinese sex doll with AI is looking like a good substitute.

To Be Fair...

Nov 18, 2018 at 9:16am

... the reason they're living in a van down by the river eating canned beans is because of gynocentric divorce courts. In the 60s, many women wanted to end alimony because it makes women dependent not only on men, but on the state, in an unhealthy way. Good thing the 60s are over! Now that pot is legal, we need to move on to LSD and other psychedelics and reverse the damage done to our nerves by their prohibition. The only hope is dope!

You shouldn’t have written this

Nov 18, 2018 at 9:17am

Cause truth is not allowed to be posted on here. It’s considered offensive, misogynist and etc by many self-righteous media-brainwashed species. You are gonna get shitshorm of downvotes. As for your list your are damn right

Go for 7?

Nov 18, 2018 at 9:22am

Are you serious? You just made it sound so easy as if we were somewhere in Latin America or Eastern Europe where there is abundance of them. Can’t really choose here


Nov 18, 2018 at 9:30am

Agree 100% ,but you're gonna get a lot of hate as only women are allowed to have standards and make demands. And:
-35% of women are on mood altering drugs. So what you see is often not what you get. She will change who she is,and a whole lot.
-make sure she is not massively in debt,especially credit cards. One, as before it means she's frivolous and two, you'll be paying it off.
-phone time: if she can't put it down on dates,walk away.

That's it for now,I have other things to do. But I have advised many younger guys to just walk away from the whole deal of dating and marriage.

You're the same troll

Nov 18, 2018 at 9:48am

Stop posting advice for men and for women. We can think for ourselves. Thank you.


Nov 18, 2018 at 10:03am

This is not 1969 where women were barbie toys for men. We have not advanced much have we.
Each one of these items can also apply to men.
I am sure Divorce has nothing to do with anything on your list except cheating.
Wow. I imagine you wrote this from a sadistic enjoyment perspective so that you would enjoy the wrath of comments.
Enjoy your life in a cave. Please stay there and do not reproduce.


Nov 18, 2018 at 10:32am

I agree with most what you're saying.

Advice for Women

Nov 18, 2018 at 10:36am

If he asks you questions like these on your first date....RUN!!

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