Don't Judge

I work 28 hours a week at a restaurant and go to school full time for Nursing. With rent, food, transportation, and the cost of school I am one paycheck from being homeless. So forgive me for not wanting to date a guy who doesn't have a good job and his life together. Eating mac and cheese and ramen noodles for dinner is no fun. The heat breaking down and your landlord not fixing it for 2 weeks is no fun. You just have to take it because there's a 100 people that would love to live in this crappy suite that only has a hot plate and mice. I am a good person, smart, and good looking so I only date guys with a professional career of some kind. Be it an engineer, accountant, lawyer, entrepreneur. Of course I want him to be nice to me and funny and all that. Just in my current situation I can't afford to date losers who are aren't going anywhere in life.


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Jan 13, 2019 at 4:15pm

Again. Still have nothing better to do, OP?

Women don’t need to be rescued by a man. Please finally accept this reality and stop writing your fiction.

Can’t tell if this is a troll or literally insane

Jan 13, 2019 at 4:20pm

If it’s ‘literally insane,’ why the hell would a professional want to date someone who clearly doesn’t have their shit together? Such huge double standards in this post it makes my head spin

We have to, now

Jan 13, 2019 at 4:39pm

You don't want to date a "loser"? Really? Someone, like, who is in the same situation as you, perhaps? And because they don't already have a career established and aren't making money to take you out and pay you like a prostitute for your company, therefore THEY are the loser?
You deserve to live in a crappy studio with mice and a hotplate with that attitude. In fact, I feel bad for the mice.
You may be working hard, but you should keep in mind that you were the same person poor as you will be when you have money and a full-time career. You want people to accept you as is now? Then you shouldn't be so judgmental either. And right now you are horrible.
That "loser" you pass up....I hope you run into him a half-decade down the line when he's pulling in six figures while you're still struggling because you were too good for a guy like him.. And as he bumps into you, he's with an angel of a person who was struggling just like you but saw the good in him and became , eventually, his wife. And as you recall how you blew him off years ago, I hope your words come back to haunt you.
No judgments, of course! Ta ta, winner.


Jan 13, 2019 at 4:42pm

capable of supplementing your income.


Jan 13, 2019 at 4:48pm

Sounds tough. You should apply for government student loans to make it easier.

12 7Rating: +5

Money is important in this world, but...

Jan 13, 2019 at 4:54pm

I'm sure there are plenty of guys at your school with their own aspirations like yourself, but are in the same poor financial position as you are in. Would you date any of them, or are you only looking for men that already have themselves situated so you can mooch off of them?

I do judge.

Jan 13, 2019 at 4:57pm

You don't deserve better than what you're able to give.

28 9Rating: +19

This is pretty much...

Jan 13, 2019 at 5:00pm

... what feminism has wrought. Children are things for "executive/professional" class men, the rest of us men just need to know our role in the Great Chain of Being as The Help who don't get to reproduce.

And not only that, it's not even like we'll get some nice fairy-story about how "gold" people have children, "silver" people work in lesser jobs and "bronze" people are on the dole or whatever---we'll get told every guy could have been "gold" if only he'd "tried hard" and that the silver and bronze classes are losers---in which case why the fuck would any guy bother slaving to become a silver when he gets enough to get by as a bronze?

I see guys in their late 20s working at Safeway, etc. now. When women worked these jobs, they could still be mothers, etc. no man was going "oh, God, she's not a lawyer, I can only have a woman who's going somewhere!"

Good person?

Jan 13, 2019 at 5:10pm

Is that what they're calling hookers these days?


Jan 13, 2019 at 5:11pm

Wowwwww :| I'm stunned. So...because you're failing in life you will only date someone who is successful? Use your head a bit more and figure out what you need to do to survive! You are giving up. You HAVE given up. You have to do what you have to do to survive. This is just pathetic what you're doing.

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