Toxic "friend"

I just cut ties with my best friend of 15 years who has become toxic. I'm very sad but I also feel a sense of relief. She loves when I'm not doing well, you can just tell that it makes her feel better about herself. She made it very clear in a message to me today that she thinks she's better than me. I'm mentally unstable right now after going through a rough pregnancy and divorce and she is feeding off it it like a shark. It's like she loves to see me this way. I'm not putting up with it anymore. I'm trying to better my and my child's life and we don't need negative people like that in it, whether we've been friends since highschool or not. I miss the old friend.. not this person. Wish her the best, really.. but I am finding comfort in moving forward. Thanks for reading.


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Feel better!!!

Feb 5, 2021 at 5:22pm

You sound amazing. Your friend sucks. Not a friend. :(

Remora Fish

Feb 5, 2021 at 5:48pm

She may “feel” like a shark. But you’re the shark. Stay strong, keep moving forward. Don’t stop. She sounds like a Remora. Google this fish. It has a suction cup on it’s head and feeds off the shark’s meals. Time to check into a reef and have those parasites removed. Remoras are relatively harmless to the shark but annoying nonetheless. Ignore/block her. She’ll figure it out. Sorry to hear this. Seems really common these days.

something people say without meaning it

Feb 5, 2021 at 6:14pm

Do you really wish her the best? Why? She doesn’t sound like a person who deserves “the best”.


Feb 5, 2021 at 6:19pm

Whatever the merits of your problem with your former friend, it's clear you have enough problems that need more than this former friend is capable or interested in providing.

The problem with "old friends" can be when one changes and the other doesn't. I have people who try talking to me like I'm a teenaged shmuck, when I'm anything but lol but this type of toxic leech isn't or wasn't interested to begin with.

me too

Feb 5, 2021 at 6:24pm

Unfortunately many of us know friend_enemies including myself. People change. Thought of dropping one I've know 30 years crossed my mind often recently. Family or friendship made through incredible circumstances like saving someones life during war seem most genuine. Lots of other type seem to be keeping up with jones practical friendship relationships.

In my early

Feb 5, 2021 at 7:24pm

thirties I dropped all of my old friends from high school. I started having a lot of opportunities to travel and live in Europe, and whenever I returned to Vancouver it was clear that they were becoming super jealous and resentful, even though I’d invited them to stay with me so many times! Similar to you, they didn’t like when things started going well for me. People who want you to be suffering so they can feel better are creepy losers!! Don’t look back.

@in my early

Feb 5, 2021 at 11:29pm

Bold. Vancouverites born here are deeply tribal, cling on to their friends from high school or college and treat newcomers with mistrust and contempt, have you tried to make new friends as a person approaching middle age, how is it going?

Better sooner...

Feb 6, 2021 at 7:11am

Sounds like you're moving forward and they're not.

I also did this with a 30 year friendship after being disregarded one to may times. This person proved they didn't know me or really care about my wellbeing. It was very sad, but pretty clear I only a drinking buddy. I should have done it 10 years ago so good for you for not waisting time.

8 10Rating: -2


Feb 6, 2021 at 11:23am

loves company

5 6Rating: -1

@@in my early

Feb 6, 2021 at 11:41am

Oh yes I know! Totally tribal. But yes I have made all new friends!! Or rather I had new friends anyways from Europe, and then I just made the effort to be closer with people who hadn’t been in my main ‘clique’ here. There is no reason for native Vancouverites to still be friends with the same people from elementary/high school other than unhealthy co-dependence! It is not like that in most other cities and it’s ridiculous!! There is a big world out there, why should people here be so ridiculously cliquey? In fact I realized that my west side Vancouver friends from high school had been secretly withholding important info from me all along as well. With friends like that you don’t need enemies!!

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