


So you're a light-skinned person that prefers other light-skinned people and that's what you're advertising on your dating profile. That's fine, depending on how it's worded. But it's troubling to me that the majority of us seem to be less accepting of other cultures.

I feel

I feel that customer service has gone downhill. They make you wait for so long and they rarely solve a problem.

Can We Get Serious?

You calling the bus driver a fucking wanker because YOU don't have the fare to pay? There were so many different ways you could have approached the situation, instead of barging onboard like a spoiled brat, one of them being just asking him to ride for free this time. But YOU decided to do it the asshole way. It's apparent to me from your attitude that you take this path all the time. And for the record, telling someone to go back to their country is fucking racist. The driver wasn't the fucking wanker here. YOU are. I confess I should have reported your stupid ass to the transit police.

Job interviews

Had 2 interviews with company. Just saw that they reposted the job opportunity on all the sites. So now just waiting for that dreaded “Thank you but no thanks” automated email. You’d think they’d tell me first before reposting. I absolutely can’t stand this job market.

$580 million to host the World Cup? Let's see the details

We should demand 100% transparency of the costs to host the World Cup in Vancouver (and Toronto). Something seems bafflingly illogical about this... and we know bodies like FIFA are notoriously corrupt/hyper-capitalist institutions. "The "core cost" of hosting is now pegged at between $483 million and $581 million – approximately double the original range provided when Vancouver was named a host city two years ago. Inflationary pressures and updated FIFA hosting requirements contributed to the increased costs, B.C.'s Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport said. Officials also originally anticipated hosting five games in Vancouver, not seven." My thoughts: - We already built the skytrain for the 2010 Olympics so infrastructure = already in place. - BC Place capacity is 54,500 and is set to host 3 Taylor Swift concerts in December 2024 - Whitecaps and Lions games are already enabled for TV broadcast, so the broadcasting ability is there. So I ask you... beyond some reasonable and expected costs, where does this half a billion $$$ +++ estimate come from? This is outrageous. Show the math, prove your work, give the public 100% disclosure of the costs. Contact your MPs and MLAs and local city council officials.

These days

I’ve run out of patience and just don’t care anymore. Honest to God, I’m too old change. So people shouldn’t bother trying to coax me or complain to me because everything they say will go through one ear and out the other. I just have no patience anymore. I really do not care. That’s it.

Untold stories

I keep hearing of more and more situations where people are staying in abusive relationships because they can’t afford to move. When finding a place to live is so hard, they’re choosing to stay in physically or mentally abusive situations and the fallout from that is affecting everything around them. Children in those families act out, addiction becomes a problem as people self medicate, crime happens as inner rage bubbles over, etc. When people are desperately unhappy it’s like a ripple effect that radiates to everyone and everything they’re involved with. It feels like we as a society are heading for a massive collapse where all hell is going to break loose.

Misogyny is gross

Years after online movements, and a bazillion posters on my post secondary referring to positive spaces and feminism have done jack shit. Even white knighting/faux feminists have learned it takes less effort to pretend you're a progressive male than actually being one.

Why surprised ?

You spend the whole relationship you have with someone making sure that they always know how replaceable they are. You take extra pains to let them know that they’re not special, and you criticize them constantly. You refuse to make a commitment of any kind. So eventually they just give up and accept that it’s never going to be what they want and need, and they leave you. If you’re genuinely surprised by their decision, I think you need to wake the hell up.

Lessons from detox

I keep hearing from politicians that there are no simple answers for the drug crisis. There is actually. It is actually something recovering addicts like myself have to face at the beginning of ones rehabilitation journey. Admitting "I" was wrong. "I" f*cked up. Until an advocate, expert, politician, policy maker or anyone takes any accountability for tripling our deaths since we bent the curve in 2019 it won't get better. 7500 deaths in 3 years and zero people are accountable for anything and zero people have come out said "I was wrong." Recovering addicts say it. People helping us never do.


North Vancouver encounter

I'm riding my red mountain bike near rice lake on a tight section of trail. Going slow...