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People that have schizophrenia belong in a mental hospital. Homeless people belong in a shelter. People who are homeless, and mentally ill don’t need free drugs. They need to be away from drugs. Period.

Who you talking to?

Every time I see some strange weirdo talking to themselves out loud and cussing at the air or mumbling to the air, I just walk right away and avoid them at all costs. Just who the fuck are these losers even talking to? Trees and inanimate objects like lamposts are not alive! They do not eat, breathe or grow. Idiots. I’ve had all the schizophrenia I can take.

I have questions

So, so many questions. As I lie awake in my usual anxiety induced insomniac state, my mind feels it’s necessary that I immediately know the answers to random questions that poop into it. Tonight’s burning question is what do nations that have been using the metric system forever call mileage? We went to the metric system in the late 1970’s, and we’re still using a complete hodgepodge of imperial and metric, so we measure distances in metric but we still talk about the mileage for a car. What do the countries who didn’t used to use imperial call that? Do they talk about the kilometreage? I must know immediately.

In retrospect

The world completely changed four years ago when the pandemic hit. Hard to believe it's been four years already since that happened. I work at one of those corporations that are in the list of “BC’s Top 100 Employers.” Working for this type of corporation has been a mixed blessing. So many of us got laid off at the Company (myself included). After over a year, I got recalled back into work. I appreciate my job from the bottom of my heart and fortunate that I didn't completely lose it during Covid. And yet not everyone was as lucky as me. The Managers used Covid as an excuse to get rid of people that they couldn't even fire since they got very selective about offering shifts once the storm blew over. There were existing staff that were ready and able to work, yet they hired people from outside the Company to take shifts. Some of those employees did not deserve to be let go so subtly, but others did. The ones that actually didn’t a good job probably had it coming. Oh well, sucks to be them. Nothing to do about it. I’m just glad I’m not their situation whatsoever.

East Van tenants are organizing

to fight a potentially devastating real estate loophole. Profits over people ! BC is a giant land mass. Why do the PTB continue to crowd us up into crazy expensive human ant hills ?

Boomers had it so easy

Boomers had it so easy We were born in the shadows of the Great Depression and the Second World War, the profound and terrible adversities faced by our fathers and mothers, the hard lessons they never forgot, and never let us forget. We lived before the age of abundance, before the credit revolution that enabled undeferred gratification in all things. We lived through the inquisition of McCarthyism, the Korean War and the War in Vietnam. We lived through the Age of Conformity. We lived through the recession of the 1950s, as deep as the Great Depression, although not nearly as long. We lived through enforced conscription and military service. We lived through Polio Epidemics before the Salk vaccine. We lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis that seemed about to annihilate all human life on earth. We lived through the assassinations of political leaders and civil rights leaders. We lived through the tragedy and the triumph of the Civil Rights Movement. We lived through a time when sexual diversity was a criminal offence. We lived through a time when a woman could not get a mortgage. We lived through a time when mortgage interest rates were as high as 20%. And where we were able to, we changed those things, mostly for the better. It didn't seem like it was so easy.

My mustardy amazon experience

They threw two giant containers of mustard over my fence gate instead of opening it... This happened twice. They exploded each time. They refunded the mustard twice as well. I wonder what's going on in this crazy Amazon world. Instead of delivering the package, they would rather destroy it and refund it because of a greater profit margin. Hooray :-) I'm not too sure what would happen if they delivered KFC chicken, but it would be quite a unique delivery experience. Bucket of chicken everywhere on my lawn!

Plan B

Originally I thought that if my industry collapses due to a transition to A.I., that I will return to til the earth and work on a farm. But now the spectre of crop failure is real. The BC Okanagan grape crop is decimated. So now I have to conjure Plans C, D & E. The future is f^%ked.

My dream farm life

I would live on the fields in the green meadows milking cattle. They would sing "mooooooo" to me, and I would play songs for them with my harp. I would then go to the farm and find myself a delicious chicken to eat. I would go yum yum yum and sing it a song and blammo! It would become my dinner. I would roast it up in a big pan and share it with all of my farm friends. We would go drinking and sing lots of folk songs all night long.


I know that the world seems as though it's gone to hell in a handbasket. However, for those of us who've been around for over half a century, I can safely tell you, things have always seemed that way. Nevertheless, I encourage all of us to have gratitude and hope. Yes; wars, genocide, inflation, pandemics, murder, cruddy politics.... they're all ugly. But it all comes and goes. This too shall pass. We mustn't fret over what we can't control or dwell on yesteryear on what ifs. We must be thankful for what/who we do have in our lives now, no matter how meagre. Complaining, doom scrolling, hating those who think opposite us, and living in fear isn't getting us anywhere. Regardless of what deity/ies you worship, or don't... every breath we take is a gift that can easy be taken away from us tomorrow, or half an hour from now. We've got to all learn to get out of bed and slap a smile on our faces to greet the new day. No, life's not all a bed of roses, but we still have the power to create heaven or hell on this Earth, so long as we take charge of our own individual mindsets first. I still have hope. It's keeping me going.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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