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Vancouver peaceful protests

So proud that these big groups remained peaceful. A little concerned that masks and social distancing went out the window.

They were right

At various times in my life I’ve been criticized as being arrogant and judgemental, both critiques I forcefully rejected. After spending a lot of time reflecting on past situations, both work-related or personal, I’ve come to realize that those criticisms were accurate. I’m not going to lie to myself and say that I’m never going to be that way again, because I’m realistic enough to realize that it’s not that easy to change thought processes and habits ingrained over a long lifetime. I am however, going to try my very best in the future to be much more aware of what I’m thinking before I speak, and to question why I feel the way I do.

I want to live alone

A bachelor suite costs more than 50% of my gross monthly income. And there’s no air conditioning?! The fuck is wrong with this town?

Metaphors and analogies

Whenever i speak to people i am forced to use metaphors and analogies in order to be understood. Having to say things multiple ways leaves me with little desire to communicate . I have only met one person(other than myself) who seems to speak and understand the words coming out of my mouth ...i just don't get it!

Back Country Life

I realized that if I want to move out of the city and live in a little house on my own bit of wilderness, I need to start planning now. I dream of a quiet life far away from people with a few rescued kitty poof-poofs to keep me company.


I wish I could leave this job at the library, start my own business and make more money and time to travel and buy motorbike. The only problem is that I do not know where to start and what business to do? I sometimes feel it is a privilege to dream and make those dreams come true...

Career change

I know masks are a thing for a reason, but I really hate having to wear one for my profession. So much that I am thinking about changing professions to something where I won't have to wear a mask. I just don't wanna wear a mask at work for the rest of my life. Who knows how long this will last, 2 months, 10 years...

Another LDR Sad Story

So I recently broke up with my boyfriend of one year. It was the second time we broke up. He broke up with me the first time as I had to move to another country for work and he thought he just can't do long distance. We agreed to stay in touch and remain friends, even though we've broken up. A week after my move, we started talking again and started catching feelings for each other again. He told me that the break up was a mistake as he's never been in LDR before and he realized how much he missed me. So long story short, we got back together. But the second time felt a bit different as he wanted to have a casual relationship with me while i wanted us to be just like how we used to be. Since we have different ideas of what we want in our relationship, we often argued about silly little things. I complained about how he wasn't giving me much attention and he on the other hand felt like i was being needy as he needs to focus on his work and other stuff too. So one day we decided to break up for the second time. Only this time, i was the one who called it quit. I know we both still have feelings for each other, and he even told me he hasn't ready to move on yet. But he only wants a casual relationship since we're away. If i decide to move back home, should i look for him again or should i just let this relationship go and move on for good? I'm feeling devastated. Friends are telling me to move on as we don't have a future together but i'm not ready to give up just yet. Any advice?

I’ll cook at home thanks...

Went for lunch at my favourite Vietnamese on Cambie and prices were way up across the menu, I guess due to COVID 19. I won’t be rushing out to dine since apparently many restaurants are doing this due to limited seating.

Wet Door Handle

Often when I use the bathroom in my apartment as I close the door my hand comes away wet. Ugh. At first, I thought, maybe it's just a one-off, or maybe one of the roommates sanitized the door handles. I wash my hands. Ugh. After one of my roommates goes to the bathroom and I use it, yep, wet door handle. Wtf. Dry your hands.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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