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I think for the most part

BC people have abided by the social distancing rules and the relatively low numbers of coronavirus infections in our province are a testament to this. So I read today that city council is considering allowing drinking at parks and beaches. OK, so let's take thousands of folks who have been cooped up for the past several months, bring on the nice, warmer summer weather and suddenly allow outdoors drinking in public places. Right, nothing can possibly go wrong with this idea. <sigh>

I don't know why it upset me so much

My husband and I live in one bedroom. Aside from the actual bedroom everything else is open floor plan. Today, his work asked that he have his video camera ON for Zoom calls to help "keep a sense of community" so he asked that I essentially go hide in the bedroom for an hour. He doesn't want to do it from the bedroom himself. It's raining pretty hard so our outdoor space is a no-go. I'm not feeling 100% so I don't want to go OUT out. I'm |Covid unemployed so what dose it matter. I guess that's why I'm so upset. IT DOESN'T MATTER. He could ask me to disappear for a week and it wouldn't even matter. Who am I kidding, a MONTH. He out earns me 10 fold so I already struggle with not feeling like a loser on "normal" days. I mad/sad he didn't speak to his ppl about this. He's quite high up on the corporate totem pole where he works. Why not say "Hey, probably like many of you, my spouse/kid/roommate/etc. is home right now and it's unfair for me to ask them to skulk around for an hour." Like I said I don't know why this upset so much. I'm dusting the bedroom and crying . Pretty pathetic sight.


Why are young people so mean? You wouldn’t want anyone talking to your mother like that? So why are you doing it to me who is probably 10 years older. I’m fat and not that attractive but always seem to be ridiculed. It hurts sometimes.

Pandemic or not

Please, if you failed to remember and recognize my birthday, do not advance nudge me for your upcoming birthday this year. You didn’t celebrate me, and I’m not going to celebrate you.

Remember the nights

I get to cook dinner for my retired parents 3 times a week since mid march. Never in my life have I ever got to experience this, and I assume in a month or so it will fade out and won't get to do it again.


He doesn't rush over to see me anymore He doesn't text me before I wake up just because he loves knowing how it warms my heart, anymore he doesn't make plans with me, anymore he keeps pictures of women from past relationships on his phone and on his computer where I can see them--and never tucked them away as I suggested. I didn't ask him to delete them, just find a place for them. This was supposed to be our time, now It's ok though. Because once Covid is over, I'm going to rent my place out and travel the world. That has always been one of my goals, and I'll soon have the freedom to do that. Sometimes the thing we think we need is just the thing we need to propel us toward something way, way better. Truth.

Ray of Sunshine

It's not often that it happens, but there are some strangers you meet in life that just make you happy to see them. It's like that line from a song, "Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer." The sight of them just lifts you up and you can't help but smile. I was quite possibly the grumpiest man heading to work on the bus the other day, but not after I saw her.

Trying to make friends is like dating

It takes a lot time and energy pretending to be politically correct not to offend so I can be accepted. Keeping up an image and pretending to be someone that I am not is also exhausting. The moment I let my guard down I get disappointed. Anytime I can be ghosted for what ever reason. Making friendships with anyone no longer important to me.


I am literally going crazy because of my incredibly annoying neighbours. I don’t hate children. I have some and some grandchildren too. But enough is enough. These people obviously think that everyone else enjoys the sound of their children screaming just as much as they do. They’ve decorated their yard like a Sesame Street set (this is a condo with mostly adults by the way), they have nightly parties with at least 6 loud adults and 4-5 kids. They play kids music outside. They let their kids bang drums and cymbals and so on. They carry on loud cell phone conversations outside while the kids are playing and yelling and banging. Complaints made to management resulted in quiet for about 5 minutes. I’m going to have to sell my unit now because I just can’t stand it anymore. This was supposed to be my peaceful happy place, but now it’s a daycare centre and I don’t know where I’m going to go.

going nowhere

I always feel kind of sad when people move out of my building, and I am still here. My building is fine, it's just I feel left behind when others are moving on to houses or presumably some sort of improved living situation. I mean, can you imagine living in a house! I'd be in paradise! I am working towards improving my lot but it is slow going and covid has crushed my income. Sometimes I feel like I will die in this random grey apartment building, and never know what it is like to truly have a home.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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