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Ten steps back

After giving every ounce of myself to my job over the past few years, I finally suffered a complete nervous breakdown earlier this year and almost died. It's been a few months now and just basic day to day functioning is still difficult and I wonder if I'll ever be the same.

Wish it were true

I wish I cared more about other people. I truly do! ...but I don't.

Piss off, enough is enough

I walked out of a shitty job last month and some nimrod that I worked with tried to get a hold of me. I never returned the call. That person was two faced on so many levels. Gracious to my face, rude behind my back. He was like that with everyone in the company yet people were too stupid to see right through him. What am I supposed to do if he ever calls me again? Tell the boss to ask him to remove my number from his phone? Or pick up the phone myself and tell him never to call me again? Or dodge the calls and block his number? Maybe I should just change my phone number. When someone never returns your phone calls, emails or text messages doesn’t that tell you something? Take a hint.


I can't imagine going to a bar by myself. Is that a thing that people do?

Follow ups

I often wonder what happened to the people who wrote in about their situations. Would the Op's be willing to write in an update? Did the guy say yes if she asked him out? Did that woman dump the homophobic guy? Did the abuse victim file a report? Etc etc. Just hoping everyone is ok.

Time Passes

Haven't Been On Facebook For 5 Years - Everyone looks so old!!!


I'm working in retail for a summer job. It's hard to make correct change when people pay with cash! Especially the rounding!

What goes around

...comes around. I’ve been in a long-term relationship with someone who has never had to cope with their own bad health scares. On the other hand, I’ve had a lifetime of one difficult and disabling situation after another. My health has greatly impacted my life and my ability to maintain steady employment or remain “positive!!!” no matter what was happening to me. It’s created significant problems within our relationship because they couldn’t understand why I was upset, depressed, exhausted, in pain, confused, or just generally felt like shit and had a hard time functioning normally. My issues have been so significant as to require several surgeries and long-term disability. So finally they are experiencing their very first serious health scare. Their very first experience trying to deal with our broken medical system. Their very first experience feeling significant pain and undergoing tests and no one being able to tell them exactly what’s wrong or having an immediate solution to it. They’re quite literally losing it as a result. I have no clue if they can comprehend that this has been my life for so long now that I can’t remember. That they were completely unsympathetic and oblivious to what I was going through for so many years. How cold and callous they were. How much additional stress they created for me by thinking I was faking it, or that I just didn’t want to work. I love them so much and I’m worried so much about them, but sometimes I confess that I would really like to say ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!’

Give me courage

I am a female in my 20s and I have had a crush on this guy who works in the same building (for a different company) since I first saw him a couple of months ago. I am shy around guys, especially super handsome ones like him, so whenever I have seen him around or talked to him it probably seemed like I was only being polite and he maybe didn't think I liked him. I am awkward and look at him then look away. I wish I was more confident at eye contact. I am tired of being like this and want to ask him out already. Do guys like it when girls ask them out? I might get the courage to ask him out tomorrow since I don't want to have any regrets/anxiety about this.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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