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why so critical?

whenever i relax and just "chat" my husband has to pick up on something i say wrong. i'm not perfect, i may get a name wrong, pronounce it incorrectly or get a number or date wrong and he just POUNCES. "you're wrong!" like it's some kind of badge of honour for him. i don't love him as much as i could because of this very trait he has. so there. ahole.

I would like the love

of my life to look after me to pamper me and read my mind kindly

Cheers to conquering fears

I had a lot of odds against me growing up. Somehow managed to be somewhat successful, depending on how you define that. Finally at 28, I can say I’ve managed to build a life I’m proud of. I also didn’t turn out to be an addict - but even if I did, it really wouldn’t be that surprising considering what I’ve experienced - and I didn’t let the abuse I went through ruin the rest of my life. But, it can feel “strange” not feeling like I’m going to be punished. That I’m blessed and taken care of. I’m not used to this new life. And I’m just going to be ok with that. One day I’ll write a book because we all do have so much in common. Keep going, it’s a journey. Enjoy it.

Give it up!

What's up with all the 40+ dudes dating online who say they want kids someday, Vancouver? I'm a 36 year old woman and I'm finding it hard to find someone 'my age' who is realistic. If you're meeting a woman your age, she's most likely not going to be able to safely have kids closing in on 40 - if she even wants them. These dude just got their heads in the clouds? Or are they just looking for a 25 year old (also sounds like head in the clouds, to me). It just seems unrealistic, and like you're going to miss out on awesome people looking for an experience you're most likely too old now to get or enjoy. I know, I know - it doesn't matter, dudes can be 60 and have a kid. But really, what you should say then is that you want to have kids with a much younger woman and then do none of the work.

Can’t wait

For the rain to come and I can jump on the trampoline drunk in my bathing suit. Fucking love it here

Shelter worker

I work in a homeless shelter and I enjoy helping people, but I am frustrated at the mental health system in general. Everyday, I am seeing mentally ill clients are being dumped into homeless shelters instead of our healthcare system advocating them into supportive housing or organizations where they are care for and staff are better equipped. Unfortunately, once they get dumped into a shelter, I see our clients' mental health and/or addictions spiral out of control to a point where they are suicidal, in psychosis, unable to take care of themselves, or violent in the community. I give big thanks to all of the paramedics and police officers who respond to our calls for help. Everyday, I see our clients' eyes full of pain and hardly anyone cares about them. I do burn out and get frustrated, but my passion keeps me going for the clients. Every shift I am putting out fires to de-escalate aggression, intervening during a crisis, referring them to housing outreach, etc. I wonder how long will I last as a shelter worker and continue being frustrated at a system that doesn't care about mental health.....

Can you hear me

Did you ever wonder how thin your apt walls are ? I can hear other people. Wonder what they can hear ? Would answer a long standing question ? Wouldnt it ? Listening in. Being in a loop you were never invited onto. Some people are just that transparent ! View the world from a different perspective. Different accesses abound.

I'm doing fine back in college

my meals are mainly hamburger helper and cereal, but if I put tobasco sauce in the hamburger helper, I get my vitamin c. I think why waste money on student loans. government owns you.


I have a huge crush on an old acquaintance. I'd only talk to him alone but a handful of times, because he made me super-nervous, I liked him so much. Pretty sure he felt the like-eachother-vibes, too - but I was married and I'm pretty quiet/shy. I'm single now and find myself looking him up on social media (where we are connected), wondering how he is, and - now - it looks like we're both single. Would it be crazy to reach out to this guy and say: "Hi, don't know if you remember me but I can't stop thinking about you"? It feels a little crazy. But, also - what is this year, anyway?? Might as well take a chance, right? Who doesn't like to hear someone has a crush on them? Should I tell him I like him just out of the blue?

54-46 was my number

I put on some Toots this morning when I woke up, I wanted to brighten another smoky morning. But as I listened I totally lost it and started crying and sobbing. Toots was a saint of reggae, and his music has brought so much joy to the world and we have so many good memories of him and the Maytals. We will miss you Toots. We love you Toots. Rest in power.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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