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Is there anywhere...

... in the Lower Mainland where I can take my dog (on leash) for a walk and not encounter people? I know our city is busy, but I would love to have a walk with my dog and not have to remind people to leash their dog, pick up their dog's poop, etc.

Mini Fountain

I think it would be cool if Translink installed a mini fountain or pool on the Millennium Line platform at Commercial-Broadway Station: I just want to see all the nesting chickadees nearby have a place to drink and play in the water.


F*ck studying in some Tibetan monastery. You want to learn patience, spend time with your mother-in-law with dementia.

It’s all about communication

At the end of the day, if communicating with someone is really hard, your relationship is doomed. No matter how good other aspects of it are, if you find yourself not even bothering to try to connect anymore because it’s so frustrating, you might as well just leave. I feel like I’m bashing my head against a wall because of the word salad and evasive nonsense every time I try to have a serious conversation about the relationship. They either act like I didn’t say anything or or they respond with a joke or they just don’t respond at all. I’m already exhausted by it and I can’t imagine wasting any more time on a lost cause. Sadly I’m giving up.


I’m a mature adult. I really enjoy being spanked. Bare bum, with a strap or belt. No bruises, just nice and hot and red. My partner of many years is not into it, so I have found a mature lady who soundly spanks me twice a week. Nothing else, just a good hard bum warming.

I'm so proud of myself

I went to one of those evangelical Christ centred Pentecostal type churches last Sunday and at the end of the service during coffee time I was talking to one of the elders & he asked me the customary question of "what do you do" (talking about my form of employment) so I replied "I usually watch Pornhub online & jerk off to it" then I asked him what he did.

Oil helps fire burn

I’m sure this is an unpopular opinion, But I think since Alberta loves it’s oil and gas, and is responsible for and profits off of climate change—— they shouldn’t get federal support for wildfires. You don’t get to deny your roll in this climate disaster and then cry when it burns you.

Change or Die

I have an image of myself that is hard to challenge. Am I being inauthentic if I try something different and would I be betraying myself? Perhaps it’s best to accept myself as I am in this moment and still try new activities that help me move towards good things. I love being a loner and also would deeply value a relationship with a life partner. It’s painful recognizing my disorganized attachment style and I feel broken. Change is possible yet feels insurmountable, and expensive. With my face in my hands I think I have a better chance of being granted MAID. I’ll give myself a year.

Tantrum baby

What is wrong with grown men who throw infantile tantrums whenever they have some type of disagreement? There’s a guy in my neighbourhood who is always screaming at someone for something. When I first moved in he got upset that I had left some boxes near the door of the building because I couldn’t carry them all and I was taking trips. He freaked out yelling as if it was a massive inconvenience and I had done something unforgivable. I told him to calm the f*** down and he’s never spoken to me again. But I hear him doing the same thing to other people at least a couple of times a week. It’s so obnoxious and he’s making a complete ass of himself. I just don’t get why people like him think that’s okay.

Just a matter of When, not "If"

I have this problem of climate anxiety. I love this warm, sunny weather like most people and do the things I enjoy in this summer-like temperature. But I have this feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop, of impending doom, knowing that this warm, dry weather, will likely lead to explosive wildfires affecting Southern BC soon. It's already happening in Nova Scotia, Northern BC, Alberta. And it just a matter of time when California, Oregon, Washington and BC get shrouded in grey like it has in past summers. Weeks on end of smoky skies, red fireball sunsets, that burning feeling in my eyes and that film on my skin. I feel a crushing sadness when I see flames shooting out of the forests and trees in the news. Everyone's all out there and enjoying life, but I feel uneasy and unsure and maybe I should just stick my head in the sand like everyone else, and not change, not care, just drive around aimlessly in a car, it's sunny and who cares about tomorrow.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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