Vancouver is an interesting city to say the least.

I recently read an article that the average house costs over a million while the average hously income is around $70,000.. I have lived in a few cities. I have built successful friendly relationships in all of them. The interesting thing about Vancouver is every friend I connected with here, except for a few, are also from another country or city (Peru, Australia, Sweden); and the few are from the more down to earth outskirts of port moody/ Coquitlam. Not to say there are zero decent people in your city, just more not than are . Attending university and being around Vancouver youth regularly led me to 3 descriptive words for them: Over-privileged, uninviting, and un-realistic. Despite my efforts I could not seem to get along. I am moving and will only be in this province for 2 more days. Considering SFU pumps out over 600 business degrees a year and a business degree starts at a measly 30,000-40,000 a year; and assuming you beat all the competition and can even find a job. Enjoy that $1 million per house-housing market, let me know how privileged you are when you can't afford a mortgage. And let me know how the stuck up, unwelcoming persona works for you when you are forced to move to a more affordable city with more work opportunities. Or just keep living at your parents house, I dont care. Young Vancouverites you are going to have a rude awakening if you want to continue living in this city. I suggest you start thinking about it and doing something


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BINGO !!!!!

May 31, 2014 at 7:21pm

You hit the nail right on the head , Buddy !

Most people that were raised in Metro Van are cold, unfriendly & unwelcoming.

Of course the locals dont want to be criticized about it.people dont want to reflect on their behaviour and morals, or actually their lack of it.

Its like people were forced to reflect when Willy Picktons pig farm came to the spotlight.

Vancouver Has No Soul.

Its always been like this here,and Always will be.


May 31, 2014 at 9:24pm

As the real estate pimps like to say, "It's different here! Best place on Earth!"

When Vancouver finally wakes up, the hangover is going to be epic.

Bob Lawblaw

May 31, 2014 at 9:43pm

There not unfriendly in Vancouver, they are all just really really stoned. Weed capitol of Canada

You sound angry

May 31, 2014 at 9:58pm

You may not like the people here but I don't think they did anything to you. You sound angry and jealous. I'm not from this city either, just came here for school like you. You should recognize that you are privileged as well: not everyone can afford to come here to get their education.

"I suggest you start thinking about it and doing something."

And what is your proposed solution if you are so smart?


Jun 1, 2014 at 1:38am

I was born and raised in Vancouver. The real Vancouverites are not snobby. A lot of the people I grew up with in Vancouver no longer live here. If you want a house, you have to move to the suburbs. For that reason, you will not find in Vancouver a lot of the people who were actually born and raised here. It was awesome growing up in Vancouver, but now there are way too many people and it is way too expensive. Vancouver was the best city, but not anymore.


Jun 1, 2014 at 3:04am

Haha, sounds like sour grapes, because you can't afford to live here. You want expensive housing? You should try San Francisco. Rent in Vancouver is dirt cheap in comparison.


Jun 1, 2014 at 6:48am

If you spent all your time around university students, it doesn't suprise me the opinion you would have of Vancouver, given the price of university, it tends to attract a certain type of personality from a certain type of background,. Vancouver in general is more diverse than any other city in the world, there are more types of food available in any block, at a high quality, than you can probleaby find in most cities in general. The people you meet and interact with will depend on the social circles and your ability to mvoe outside your confort zone. One thing is for sure, Vanocuver certainly has the friendliest drug dealers and poor people you will ever meet as well as some of the most agressive pan handlers anywhere. It's an odd mix of all sorts of varieties, I just pity those people who sit within a small social group and never look beyond it, as it's an amazing city for those willing to go a little beyond that comfort zone.

10 9Rating: +1

Chris Hill

Jun 1, 2014 at 7:39am

A certain measure of truth to the aloof nature of Vancouverites but after 15 years living here I have many friends and it is truly friends and family that matter. You need to make more of an effort to befriend people here it's true and trying to get everyone out for a social is taxing but it works out. You have to adopt that West Coast chill axed attitude and suddenly everything falls into place. I live in Kits and there is nowhere more vibrant, youthful and beautiful.

8 12Rating: -4


Jun 1, 2014 at 7:42am

Personally think most bigger cities in North America are virtually all the same - the people, the job market, and housing. Regarding housing, this article by the New Yorker nails it -
I love Vancouver although it did take me a long time to get usee to the weather which really is a big problem for some people. We need the vitamin D.


Jun 1, 2014 at 8:47am

If you are graduating with a business degree then I would assume at some point you learned about demographics, niches, target markets, etc...

Yet you somehow were able to summarize all young Vancouverites into three groupings based on your personal experience.

I would challenges that the young people were more influenced by the way they were parented than the region they grew up. Let's discuss.

Thanks for coming to Vancouver and receiving a higher education. Thanks for your comments and best of luck with future endeavours.

Don't let the door knob hit your caboose on the way out.

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