My parents are trump supporters

I’m more than a little disappointed that my parents are trump supporters. I just finished a road trip where my mother was telling my kids that global warming is a myth.


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You can learn a lot from your parents.

Aug 19, 2018 at 4:20pm

Your parents weren't brainwashed and indoctrinated as much as you were growing up. Your teacher will hand you talking points to memorize, and you would get a huge "F" if you dared to disagree with those talking points. Wasn't so much like that for your parents. Your parents actually learned to think critically, and learned to debate the opposition, rather than just throw derogatory labels at them should they disagree with the status quo. Climate change is real. It's happening to every planet in the solar system with any kind of atmosphere. I doubt your parents would deny that. I'm sure your parents just don't like the idea of politicians taking money from them to stuff their own pockets, and using climate change as an excuse rather than spending that money on things like housing to help the homeless.


Aug 19, 2018 at 4:25pm

Global warming is a myth, so the kids are going to be alright. What is a myth is that climate change is caused by Humans.
Localised temperature changes are caused in big cities and we should be concerned about the pollution they emit but all of this horseshit about the carbon footprint is just so much hysteria.

Sure are a lot of people...

Aug 19, 2018 at 10:07pm

...still in denial. Does the whole damn province have to burn down before the light finally comes on?


Aug 20, 2018 at 4:06am

Don't worry. One day your kids will probably sign the papers for your getting euthanized.

Cut them off

Aug 20, 2018 at 4:09pm

Tell your parents that they can support whoever they want, but that they need to keep their views to themselves and let your kids form their own opinions. If you’ve done that and they still don’t get the hint, you need to take the kids and RUN, girl; you do not need that kind of toxicity in your life.

You are lucky...

Aug 20, 2018 at 5:17pm

to have wiser parents than yourself.

John Williams

Oct 10, 2018 at 10:07pm

Yes the parents are brainwashed. So much so that everything that comes out of trumps mouth is somehow gospel. They don’t listen to anyone but seep their toxicity wherever they like. They tell you they love you to your face and work against everything you stand for behind your back. Do they carry torches at night with their white sheets? Seems like all is okay to them as long as the orange pedophile remains in the whitehouse and the madness continues. Yes brainwashed but I would add that brainwashing is probably the least of their problems and they’ll never know it much less admit it.

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