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Never in a million years

I never thought I would meet the the man of my dreams. Caring, thoughtful, so wonderful and knows how to treat a lady if you know what I mean ! But I have and I feel like the luckiest woman on the planet. Don't give up ladies your true love is out there too.

a few educational videos for authoritarians

Look up the Milgram Experiments AND the Stanford Prison Experiments. Real life events that reveal human nature when guliven "power" in terms of 'authority', and when asked or "forced" to commit atrocities / ethics violations. Actually do this right now, before forgetting, looking away, being asked or 'commanded' not to, or closing this tab, or replying. You're welcome. your violated tele-empath, GMW

I Love You….

Just thought you should know… get well

Used to

Used to be someone who ran away from problems. In school, from home (as a teen), jobs, groups, and love. But not anymore. Been trying to fix a problem for over 5 years and won't give up this time.

Jack Nicholsoned

I travel, so it is always a different Botox clinic. This one... not so good. They froze my forehead but not over the outer part of the eyebrow so now my face lifts manically on the edges like Jack Nicholson if I make any expression. My eyebrows and hair is getting a little Jack style too...

Dating takes effort… for some of us

I’m getting pretty tired of chasing after gorgeous humans on dating apps. I’m browsing through dating apps bios when I stumble on a beautiful human with a bio that reads like this (with my translations included): “Work a lot - don’t text back fast - nothing personal” Translation: Good luck, the odds are we’ll probably never meet, I’m too busy to meet, let alone send messages… why am I even on this dating app? I shouldn’t even be on here. I’m just going to waste your time and get your hopes up. “Also not super chatty” Translation: I’m gorgeous… therefore I put in zero effort into this. Chase after me. YOU need to do all the work and say all the perfect things to hook me into conversation. Impress me somehow so I will maybe go on a date with you. Good luck! “Bad texter” Translation: I’ll probably end up wasting your time and energy and you’ll eventually get exhausted of my lack of responses to texts. Odds are, I’ll probably just not respond and end up ghosting you. I say we just leave all the gorgeous zero effort people behind and stop pursuing them… it’s such an entitlement. Dating takes effort, energy and mutual genuine interest. Don’t even bother signing up for apps if you KNOW you’re a bad texter with no time space or energy.


I am so important to you, why are you there. Enough said

Yes, I ghosted you. Boo hoo.

I've ghosted you before, the last time I unghosted you I was giving you a chance to apologize for your continually abhorrent behavior. No apology A return of the verbal RW diarrhea, narcississm, word salad If everyone ghosts you, they have, the problem is YOU Gone

Glad to be single

It may be a cliche at this point. But its so nice to be single after years spent in relationships. Sure i miss intimacy and regular sex, but i am free to do as a please. Honestly, its too easy to get wrapped up in another person’s life while neglecting your own. Im gonna enjoy this time and not rush into anything. Time to take some vacations and enjoy some new experiences.

Product of Environment

Many gov employees are passive aggresive toxic people because you can't easily quit or change jobs so if co worker is just toxic your hard pressed to grit your teeth and put up smiley face or you risk of losing steady paycheck and pension. This toxicity in how people behave increases as one age and more money is at stake. I did not get memo from career councelor


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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