chivalry is dead

I went out on a proper date last night and the man was not a gentleman.I am so embarrassed for him and I.He had been pursuing me for a while now.I finally said yes.He lives on the west side and makes good money.We went to a high end place for a fine meal with some great wine.I expected him to pay since I was his guest.AFTER THE MEAL HE ASKED FOR SEPERATE BILLS.Who does that? Ifhe had told me prior to ordering, I would have chosen not to eat, since I only had $5 on me.I calmly told him I did not have any cash on me, nor plastic.He refused to pay for my meal....I had to call my friend to bring me some cash.Whatis the world coming to?


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May 30, 2014 at 8:35pm

who goes out without plastic and only $5?

what made it a proper date?

i never fully expect my date to pay for me but it's nice and noted when they do.

it's also possible he didn't want to pay because he didn't feel a connection with you.

fellow bachelorette

May 30, 2014 at 9:05pm

My mouth dropped when i read this ! I am actually SO sorry you had to experience that. What an ASS!

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May 30, 2014 at 9:45pm

I'd love to prove you wrong, lady. How do I get a hold of you? Chivalry is NOT dead.

holy sh*t

May 30, 2014 at 9:57pm

That's pretty disgraceful. I can't even imagine a friend doing that let alone a date. Did he just leave you there? Wtf?
At least you found out he's bonkers on the first date before you went home with him.. just say'n.

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May 30, 2014 at 10:19pm

It isn't chivalry, It is called equal being treated like an equal.
Would you rather that he pay for your meal and then treat you less than a human.
Maybe you should bring a wallet with you or go to cheaper restaurants?


May 30, 2014 at 10:31pm

Who doesn't carry a wallet these days?

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girls like you

May 30, 2014 at 10:43pm

make the rest of women look real bad - no wonder men don't want to date women in Vancouver because of the numerous entitled princesses. The fact that you expected him to pay is quite sad really. For one, where he lives and the money he makes is his business. You have no right to expect anything from him especially expecting him to spend his money a certain way AND with you no less. Get over yourself. You should expect to pay on your own and if he offers, then consider it a nice gesture where you can say thank you. The other option is if you're expecting him to pay, you shouldn't be ordering some extravagant dinner and in my estimation given your princess complex, you probably did and thus he learned your lack of value as a human being and made you pay. Good for this gentleman!

I dunno why

May 30, 2014 at 10:43pm

But I find this hilarious in all sorts of ways.

Sad. But hilarious. Like a Jerry Seinfeld episode with Elaine, and Jerry has to bail out her meal.

Did he drive you home, or did your friend drive you home.

Maybe its cause he has been pursuing you for a while. Maybe he is showing your stuck up bum some revenge?

I have no idea but classic!


May 30, 2014 at 11:13pm

“Maybe its cause he has been pursuing you for a while. Maybe he is showing your stuck up bum some revenge?”

How long a guy's been “pursuing” a woman is irrelevant. He's still not entitled to anything, least of all “revenge” for not having his ego stroked. (And if that's how you see women: Grow the fuck up. They're your equals. Treat them as such.)


May 30, 2014 at 11:18pm

I don't understand how people here can say the bill should be split if someone asks you out to dinner and takes you to a place you clearly cannot afford.
This has nothing to do with equal rights, that's completely irrelevant. Its about manners and if you ask someone (man or woman) on a date and take them to an upscale, expensive restaurant, then it's really bad manners not to cover the bill.
But seriously, if people are really so defensive about spending a little extra on someone special for a good evening out, just meet them at the the coffee shop. You wont even have to make an effort to dress up.

Btw, you may want to bring $20 with you next time and make a comment about not being able to afford high end restaurants to save yourself the hassle next time ;)

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