why i'm a mess

if you truly knew what a delusional piece of shit my father is, you would totally get why I'm having all these mental health issues. well, most of em anyway. here's to a great today and a brighter tomorrow everyone!


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Seen this cycle alot

Feb 7, 2016 at 8:01pm

And it tears me up how difficult things must have been from the get go. I feel like some kind of..
Survivors guilt?

Anyway. Channeling you some good vibes.

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I honour your struggle but...

Feb 9, 2016 at 2:09am

...we all have pasts to contend with. I have a POS mom, detached dad, PTSD step mom, dead siblings. Families aren't always a stable jumping off point but they can be your boot camp to take on the big feats in life.

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