When treatment is harm

Who do you turn to for help when you're having severe PTSD symptoms related to traumatic psychiatric treatment? I'm certainly not about to go to the place that harmed me for help, or to reach out to anyone who might force me to do so.


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tough one

Jan 12, 2017 at 3:12pm

I think you need someone to verify you story, a person who went thru the same experience or a counselor (they will believe you and won't send you there, they're independent). And possibly the police or a journalist or a lawyer


Jan 12, 2017 at 3:36pm

Same boat, wish I had an answer for you.
You may have to figure things out and rebuild yourself on your own. Study psychology and philosophy, develop a system of distractions for when you get overwhelmed.
I'm truly sorry you have to endure this.

Yup been there.

Jan 12, 2017 at 4:46pm

Learn everything you can about the condition. Study it hard. Your symptoms become recognizable and you'll learn how to cope. The more you work at it the less power it has over you. Only you can processs the trauma-not a pill or a shrink. It does ease off and you will rise a better human. Good luck!


Jan 12, 2017 at 4:47pm

Well for myself it's God for the tears, and comedy for the laughing. It's important to cry and just as important to laugh to get past things. When there is no one there for you to make you laugh or laugh at, you got to find ways to make yourself laugh, and to make it a habit. Now go watch something funny.

13 8Rating: +5

Long time listener first time caller

Jan 12, 2017 at 7:14pm

There is nowhere. One hand washes the other in BC's medical establishment, if you talk to a doc about how you have PTSD from being interned in a psych ward, they will simply try to label you as schizophrenic or something like that, to keep their friends from being liable for having _caused_ the PTSD. and they should be liable. Keep in mind that "involuntary inpatient care" uses solitary confinement to "break" the patient, establishing the motif that 'you act right or you'll be alone for as long as we want.' It's completely and utterly a system of psychological torture designed to terrorize people into 'acting right.' And if that doesn't work, then they simply medicate you until you're a zombie.

I had a sibling who enjoyed the psychistrists' club's tender mercies, and while he is dead now, I sometimes see the people he was in the joint with on the street---most of them have the obvious "thorazine shuffle," tardis dyskinesia from taking the drugs prescribed, which might help keep them out of the hoosegow, but it's not like they're enjoying life. Most of them were young men who simply had nobody to look after them for their whole lives, due to having had drug addict/mentally ill mothers, or that is what I picked up from talking to them while visiting my sibling.

You can always pay for private therapy, but the fact is, it's like trying to treat PTSD acquired in a war zone, where you still have to live in the war zone, knowing that if you step out of line, the man comes and takes you away. Oh, and the morons around you won't admit there's a war zone..

So, good luck, you will need it!

Tattered Wings

Jan 14, 2017 at 5:20pm

Two words: Magic mushrooms. If you do some research about them and ptsd, you'll understand

7 6Rating: +1

No Downvotes

Jan 17, 2017 at 2:16am

Anyone who as been thru this kind of Hell...p would not downvote this and this poster is brave to write this as it is the Elephant about treatment that is going unrecognized by society and the medical profession itself.

9 6Rating: +3

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