My good "friend"

A male friend of mine seems to have decided that we need to "move on" because I haven't broken up with my current boyfriend. That's another story... I know my "friend" has a crush on me but so far it's been manageable. We've never been intimate but we've joked around about hooking up a few times. I guess he took it more literally than I thought and now I feel awkward about where to end things or if he's being sarcastic. We have a very silly, fun and sarcastic rapport. He claims I've helped him move past the pain of his last relationship and now that my "services" have been used up I am no longer needed. I know this sounds weird but we are actually great friends that talk about basically everything. Should I just let him go or should I try and get serious with him and tell him I'd like to stay friends? Ps, I'm a woman.


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Decide what you want

Mar 30, 2017 at 12:14pm

Cut him lose for his own good, or stop being a tease, and get with him for both your good. No more of this extrarelationship non-sex boyfriend bullshite.

let him go

Mar 30, 2017 at 12:14pm

life is long and you might run into him again. if he's crushing on you, he'll keep crushing on you. being a bit older I've learned that going out on good or decent terms can come back years later in positive ways. Burnt or singed bridges, not as much.

10 7Rating: +3

@decide what you want

Mar 30, 2017 at 1:31pm

So guys and gals can't ever be friends? How fucking sad and pathetic.

ps duh that's obvious

Mar 30, 2017 at 3:42pm

He is hinting/guilting you to share your booty as well as your intellect with him. He's not going to get over it. If you feel ok being friends under those circumstances, then fine. Personally I think it would be a little bit like stealing candy from a baby but that's me.

9 6Rating: +3

@@decide what you want

Mar 30, 2017 at 3:45pm

Not when physical and/or emotional attraction on either side, and at least one party is single.

8 4Rating: +4

@ let him go

Mar 30, 2017 at 3:49pm

Wrong. Life is very short. Yesterday I was 20. Today I'm approaching 40. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Take it from someone that was nearly stabbed to death at random.

9 6Rating: +3

It's pretty obvious

Mar 30, 2017 at 10:15pm

You're a woman. And also that he wants a piece. If you're not into it just try to be a friend. If he can't do that, whatever jabroni.

6 4Rating: +2

Let go

Mar 31, 2017 at 10:01am

It sounds like he has genuine feelings for you, and it's upsetting for him because you're with someone else. Perhaps you could examine your own motives for wanting to keep a relationship with him? If you know for sure that you really don't want anything other than friendship, then tell him so, and be very, very clear about it. If you're not sure about your own feelings you owe it to yourself and him to make a decision one way or the other. Integrity is so important and keeping someone hanging on with the hopes of you changing your mind if you know that it is not going to happen, is a shitty thing to do.

8 3Rating: +5


Mar 31, 2017 at 10:13am

Dump the "friend". He has only wanted your emotional labour anyways

4 6Rating: -2

What is

Apr 21, 2017 at 1:42am


2 3Rating: -1

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