
is becoming my main reason i will leave van... besides there are out there sunnier and longer summers... i prefer snow and sun than rain... i prefer to save 500 hundred plus so i can invest for my family than paying such an unreal rent just because we have trees and ocean by (which btw we can barely stay more than 10 minutes inside the water) ... i prefer to save us from this greedy rental management companies who scrutinize all our credit when we religiously are been paying rent without problems for more than 10 yrs and yet when we find a cheaper place to get us up and better they refuse our applications for lack of commitment with mortgage, car financing and so on... when yet we don't plan and need any of those now... yes there are cheaper and healthier places out there and the summers are better with same incomes... also a friend said lately he's cousin fish in the pacific and this year instead of seeing a whole lot of what he use to see if was worry some what he did not see... where are the pacific fish? research and find out... soon soon we go


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Oct 26, 2018 at 2:43pm

I feel your frustrations about the high cost of housing here. But, to be clear, the reason for this is not "just because we trees and ocean." It's because of specific policy decisions that have been made to restrict the housing (and especially rental) stock and to encourage investment in real estate here.

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Oct 26, 2018 at 3:22pm

So just go..why broadcast it?

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Merry ways

Oct 26, 2018 at 5:11pm

You are feeling your spirit call you to a different place and way of life. Go and find a new home, and be well... taking the best of what Vancouver gave to you during your time here, and leaving the stress and shit behind. You will be fine, and you are right, there are plenty of wonderful places to live in the world and in BC with sunnier climates and more affordable rents. Go find a new scene and build a life with no regrets. Why does everyone feel so guilty for wanting to leave Vancouver? Life is long and we are all human and free to move around in this great and free country of ours. If a place or space does not sustain you then you need to find a better way. If we stay stuck we only have ourselves to blame for not finding a way out or leaving room for better things to come into our lives. We can only do our best, don't lose hope. It's a bipolar city and I think we all feel it, whether things are going great (generally) or sucking (generally). Things can swing either way in a day, just like the weather. Vancouver sucks you in so fast that it is undeniably hard to leave... but when you do, trust that you can build and have a good life somewhere else and still come back to visit! All the best to you.

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