Sick Of Working For Corporations

It's become abundantly clear that the Human Resources Manager at my work does not care about me as a Human in the slightest.


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Oct 20, 2018 at 2:37pm

Human Resources, Administration.......two departments that are obsolete. Have been for a long time. Interesting how they give themselves the best work spaces for "privacy". We need an accountability office. That keeps people actually working. Does not reward bad behaviour and eliminates bullies.

Human Resources

Oct 20, 2018 at 5:45pm

... should be farmed out to India. They’re obsolete and have a target on their back. You don’t need a person in the office to do what they do. Our HR dept brings their children and parents into the office and go to Starbucks every day while I work my ass off. I absolutely hate them and they should all be fired since they are an expense and bring in zero business.

7 14Rating: -7

I’ve found over my long career in IT

Oct 21, 2018 at 12:14pm

That HR staff are some of the most useless employees in the company with next to zero actual skills.
Ironically they also seem to have some of the worst “people” skills.

You have it wrong.

Oct 21, 2018 at 12:18pm

A corporate Human Resources Manager isn't there to care about you as a human. He/she is there to care about you as a resource.

18 8Rating: +10

That R part

Oct 21, 2018 at 6:50pm


9 13Rating: -4

it's in the title

Oct 22, 2018 at 9:34am

they're managing the company "resources". meaning humans. it's all for the best interests of the company, not you. they only need to cover their own asses.

15 3Rating: +12


Oct 22, 2018 at 3:42pm

Sure they do.
Farmers have to care about their livestock.
Fun facts:
Catbert the evil HR director first appeared in "Dilbert" in September 1994. The HR department got its official title during the 1950s.
Now, consider this: agricultural resources, mining resources, information resources, natural resources, labor resources, technology resources, financial resources, human resources... See the commonality? All these resources are needed when useful, and meaningless otherwise.
Your personhood does not serve the business. In the words of a magnificent poster I saw (one of my all-time faves):
"Get To Work. You aren't being paid to believe in the power of your dreams."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" (who will guard the guards themselves?) - attributed to Juvenal, c. 2nd century, Rome.
True back then, even more so now. Any hierarchy is corruptible and will become corrupted, because humans suck at being in charge. I welcome our new robot overlords because they will make this problem obsolete.
... And because I have no other option :-)

12 7Rating: +5


Oct 24, 2018 at 10:37am

All of this is well-described in Heidegger's "The Question Concerning Technology":

"... man in the midst of objectlessness is nothing but the orderer of the standing-reserve, then he comes to the very brink of a precipitous fall; that is, he comes to the point where he himself will have to be taken as standing-reserve" (The Question Concerning Technology (1977), pp. 13-4.)

"I welcome our new robot overlords because they will make this problem obsolete."

I think that this is false---the essence of technology brings us to this precipitous fall where we are no longer men, we are resources, we are standing reserve, like minerals, timber, etc. Our destiny is not to live in freedom, our destiny is to be reduced to an ordered reserve of material, and this is not with respect to any particular technology like the drill, the dyke, the plough, it is with respect to the essence of technological enframing.

So, the idea that any particular technology, like AI or whatever, can end this problem of being converted to resource---even if the robots gave us a leisure state where they looked after us, we would still be standing reserve if the revelation of truth were constrained not by our freedom but by the ordering of our destiny by technological enframing. About the only way AI could "end" this problem is if the fall became so precipitous that the AI decided to eliminate us---but this is to treat the patient by euthanizing it, an obvious solipsism at best.

To be saved from technological frames like "HR departments" will require something far beyond a particular technology.

6 9Rating: -3

Yep screw Vancity corporate culture

Oct 28, 2018 at 2:00pm

I know it's difficult to do because of lack of jobs, but avoid working for the private sector here.

In my experience, not only are the HR departments useless, they are most likely in on the bullying and manipulation.

They will force you to sign a NDA/'cannot sue us' form at the end of your humiliation before kicking you out the door.

8 7Rating: +1

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