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to be or not to be

Much like a high school athlete who never evolves past that early life success, I've always wondered if I would want to have been a one hit wonder. I knew a few people who developed out of BC as big hits in the late 90's and 00's. Being their age at the time, of course its envy. With the pandemic and people re-uniting, I noticed many of them had. Re-uniting to that exact thing they were. My best years have been my last 10-15. They're increasingly good. I don't know that I would trade it in to be a global phenom for a year or small fragment of time. I ran into one of my friends and their eclectic hair style that was progressive and chique, is the one they currently had. As an older person. They hated high school athletes, and all I could think was turned into something so very similar.

Mama always said

My mom always told me that she inherently thought parents try to do right for their kids. Sure my dad had walked out and disproved that in many ways, but for the most part I let her have her beliefs. The last few years changed my mind through. Social media, vaping, energy drinks, online gambling, a pandemic that in Canada stretched an extra year longer than the rest of the worlds. Everyone of those things are red flags that we knew before hand, and have allowed to happen anyways. Young adults are passing at a higher rate due to drugs than any time in BC history. If we're doing things right why have every metric we use to measure crashed and burned the last few years. Can't always blame everything bad on a boogie man.

I feel lost

I don't know what to do he means everything to me . My brain tells me to stop trying and my heart screams not too. He said he loved me then disappears. I don't know what to make of the situation. Do I wait or leave. I've never loved someone as much as I do him. I tried to have dinner with someone else after he distanced himself . But all I could think about was him. It's always only him

Dank you veddy much

Someday, I’d love to disappear from everything. I’ve had this fantasy of faking my own death and just like Andy Kaufman. What a brilliant unique comic genius. He was the Joaquin Phoenix and Sacha Baron Cohen of the 70s.

Environmentalists in a board room meeting

All there to make money. It's sort of strange that we call them environmentalists. They clearly flew overseas to be there. There's a lot of social status given to these people..... Why do they always seem to hijack environmentalism and run it amuck? It's a bit like when Mr. Burns becomes an environmentalist with the Little Lisa processing plant that incidentally harvests all ocean life to create a generic ooze that is used in lots of industry. He recycled the 6-pack can containers holding together the net catching the sealife. That made it "environmentalism".


One of the most interesting parts of being a parent is watching your children grow. This doesn’t change as they become adults and parents themselves either. I love watching the way they mature and learn and change. It’s also taught me to be more forgiving of myself as I watch them make some of the same mistakes that I did when I was younger. Now I understand that I was just fumbling along trying to do my best just like everyone else. I’m so proud of the humans I made because each one of them are truly kind and thoughtful people, and to me that’s what really matters in life. How we treat others is how we will be remembered. I hope they will remember me fondly.


To pretend to love someone to spare there feelings only makes it worse. Be honest about how you feel. Don't lie,pretend ,or sleep with them. Because in the end you only destroy them completely. And that is cruel. It's confusing and it's honestly f**king evil.

First Lesson of Getting Educated

Don't get scammed by extremely high tuition prices. Learn something that has value and can used as a trade to make an income. Understand that in the working world, people will use you. In the academia world, university employees will use you as well-- for an income.

Not what I expected

The weird thing is that even though they treated me like garbage for a long time, I don’t hate them or wish them harm. I thought that I would enjoy treating them the same way they treated me, but I don’t. What I feel now is pity. I have no desire to hurt them, and it pains me to think that maybe I have. But after so many years of being treated like an option and not being valued, I made a choice in favour of myself, and I will continue to do that from now on.


I've arrived at the conclusion that real strength is learning both how to stay positive in the face of pain and hardship, and how to count your blessings. It's easy to blame the world for all that's wrong. It's super difficult though to still keep on going, and wear every physical and mental wound on your chest like a badge of honour and bravery, and somehow find it within you to keep smiling. I tip my hat to Paul Alexander, the man who made it to 78 in trapped in an iron lung, and practiced law and knew how to laugh and love. And here's to those who grew up in slums and abject poverty, and discovered humour and humility in their squalor. Here's to every other story of survival and resilience. To be able to rise from ashes and rebuild yourself or even re-root, sometimes multiple times over, takes major guts. To me, they are true heros and stars. They're all among us, and most of the time completely invisible. Never, ever judge a book by its cover.


Your client was crying, but you were smiling.

You were consoling a client, a younger woman who was crying. My guess is that you are her...

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