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Freelancing Friends

Sure, I like to support friend's independent businesses but am not going to spend another dime on them staring at their smartphone.

Better Shape

My boyfriend asked me if I was waiting to get into better shape to break up with him. B*tch please, I am in amazing shape, you don't realize how good you have it.

To you wonderful artists....

I'm about the embark on the Eastside Culture Crawl. I have very limited time this year so I will be racing through as many studios as possible. Please don't take offence if I race through yours! I love your art and would not visit your studio if I didn't (I've marked down the places I want to see) - I'm just in a huge hurry and want to see as much art as I can. Thanks for all your hard work & dedication!!


Not everything moves to disorder. Not me. I'm finely tuned. Scheduled. Sanitized. You can go ahead and turn into a big puddle of jello. I'll be here in front of the mirror counting out tricep pulldowns.

Advice please

I feel insecure that my partner still has photos of him and his ex on his computer. Yah I know he chose me, yah I know he's with me now, and that was then and they're there for memories.. But it bothers me, so should I say something? Is it bad for me to ask him to consider deleting them? We're not married but is it weird for married people keep photos of their exes around for memories??

Anxious driver

I'm in my thirties and driving still gives me anxiety. I hate it so much. I made an error in judgement and timing when I made left turn today when someone was coming straight at me. Sorry... I don't know what I was thinking and I'm beating myself up about it. I'd say overall I'm a safe driver, but I'll get anxious and it will throw me off. I get frustrated because it's a life skill that comes easy for almost everyone one.. Why is it so difficult for me? Sigh.

Morton's Toe

It freaks me out when I see folks with their second toes longer than their big toes. I don't know why, but sometimes it makes me dry-heave.


My mind hates you. My heart loves you.

Not at All

I am not sorry for being brave. I am not sorry for speaking out for myself. I am not sorry that I told the truth. I am sorry that I ever let you into my life.


I set an important personal goal for myself this year, to practice setting boundaries. After enduring years of abuse from some people in my life who simply ignored what I said and treated me very disrespectfully anyway, something in me had just finally had enough. It’s been really hard because In doing it I had to end a relationship with someone who I loved very much, and distance myself from some family members and friends. It’s been very lonely. On the upside, I’ve started to feel more peace inside me instead of the feeling of seething resentment, and I’ve begun to deal with the original trauma(s) that resulted in me not understanding how important setting boundaries and sticking to them really is to our self esteem. Still a long way to go, but it’s taken my whole life to get to this place and I know that total change is not going to happen overnight, and there will be times where I weaken and want to bring back the person who hurt me the most, but I know that it’s really me that I have to please now, since I’m the only one who is responsible for my own happiness.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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