Your horoscope from June 25 to July 1, 2015

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      It’s time to cook it up right where you are. Mars is freshly housed in Cancer, where it will stay through the start of August. We’re on a noticeably fired-up incentive to hit that sweet zone. On home turf and with family is where the heart beats the strongest. As our main fuel source, Mars in Cancer gets its best mileage from nourishing, nurturing, and comfort moments. Go ahead—take more selfies, create more memories.

      Mars in Cancer should make for a hot real-estate season. It also fires up all matters to do with the past, and security and safety, at the personal, domestic, and national levels.

      Mars isn’t the only planet in hot pursuit. Over the next week, attraction planet Venus in Leo is on the move. If it feels good, do it; Venus in Leo is a playful, happy-making, pleasure-seeking, success-driven attention-getter. Keeping the party going late on Sunday, Venus in Leo trines Uranus. Venus/Uranus also sets up a good-vibe launch for the week ahead.

      On Wednesday, Venus conjoins Jupiter. It’s an excellent transit for celebration and vacation. A Capricorn full moon and the sun’s trine to Neptune also coincide with Canada Day. There will be music and dancing in the street! Love or lust, socially, and moneywise, Venus/Uranus and Venus/Jupiter are abundance-generating. They love freedom and splurging on a good time. They also love it when it’s free—or freely given. Let’s spread the love and joy around!

      March 20- April 20

      Mars in Cancer revs up the action on the home and family front. Once emotions are ignited, you’re hot on it. Desire also works as a good commitment or follow-through motivator. Sunday through Canada Day dishes up a great few days to put it in vacation or play mode. Socialize, scout around, put your feelers out, join the crowds, or try your luck.

      April 20- May 21

      Wearing it on your sleeve—you’ll feel it and express it more visibly now. Mars in Cancer keeps wants, needs, and passion out in full force. Monday through next Thursday, Venus/Jupiter keeps it going strong in the category of “as good as it gets”. On vacation, at a special event, lavishing on family or yourself, moving to a new address—you’re into a spending-spree time.

      May 21- June 21

      Friday/Saturday, aim for a reboot. It’s also a good time to catch up on projects or conversations. If Sunday evening brings you to a wind-down, it’s only momentary. Monday onward, travel, visits, shopping, loving it, and/or loving them comes with a great, big happy face. Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus can deliver good news, a win, a gift, or a special reason to celebrate.

      June 21- July 22

      A particularly lucrative and happy-making week lies ahead. Mars, freshly into Cancer, has you refuelled and good to go. Giving you something more substantial to have and to hold, Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter are reward-generating. It’s a big week for a major purchase or investment, and for matters of the heart. Wednesday’s full moon can produce a game-changer day.

      July 22 - August 23

      Set yourself free. Go, do, be, and see; make the world chant your name. You’re on a big cash-in over the next week. Sunday/Monday, it’s Venus/Uranus; Tuesday/Wednesday, it’s Venus/Jupiter. Both are gifting transits, but they could produce nothing more than an indulgent mood and easy go of it unless you reach out to them. Wednesday’s full moon can heat up the unexpected.

      August 23- September 23

      Mars, newly into Cancer, can keep you more physically active and get you out there socially, too. Even so, now through mid next week is ideal for escaping it all or devoting quality time to love. Monday can be a soft start to a full-tilt week. Tuesday through Thursday, you deserve it, you own it, it’s happening.

      September 23 - October 23

      Live it up, travel, celebrate, or keep going just as you are. Whether you have something special planned or synchronicity sets the compass, you’re in for an especially delightful and lucrative go of it. Socially, romantically, and/or money-wise, Venus, your ruler, is on a great roll through most of next week. Wednesday’s full moon can necessitate a change of plans or priorities.

      October 23 - November 22

      A vacation or change of pace couldn’t be better timed. Whether it involves travelling a distance or parking it right where you are, now through the coming week is ideal for cutting loose and/or getting your pleasure fill. Wednesday’s full moon could pile on extras, but even so, you’ll find a way to work around it.

      November 22 - December 21

      Your sign gains the best that Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus have to offer, especially if you were born near the middle of December. The trio is at peak from Monday through next Thursday. Their maximum potency continues through mid July. After that, their impact will decline somewhat, but you’re still on the gift list for months to come.

      December 21 - January 20

      High hopes? Good news to share? A big trip, plan, or investment in the works? Falling in love again—with life, yourself, or another? Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus set up the here-and-now as a special moment along destiny’s time line. Wednesday’s Capricorn full moon comes with a sharp, abrupt, or strained edge. Quickly does it best.

      January 20 - February 18

      While Mars has just moved into your work and health sector, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus keep pleasure, play, and good times on the front burner for the next week. Venus can put something or someone special in your field of vision. A new romance comes with that sense of instant recognition. On Wednesday, avoid the crowds or the extra work.

      February 18 - March 20

      Over the next week or so, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus help you take that good thing and make it better. Work can hit a prosperity trend, especially so if it caters to the season. Your health can be on an upswing too. Outside of added push/pull on full-moon Wednesday, it’s all good!

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      July 1st!!! Whoooo

      Jun 26, 2015 at 9:51am

      Have a happy Canada Day everyone :)

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